Sunday 19 September 2010


I've been engaged 5 days and I'm already planning! I figured if I get a little something every month up till the big day it wouldnt seem like its costing as much... I want to enjoy being engaged for a while and maybe wait a year till we set a date. I want everything to be right so it wouldn't hurt to start planning now, right? ;)

We already know a venue in mind for the wedding, Ashton Memorial in Lancaster. Its such a beautiful place! I dont think we'll have a big wedding though, just close family and friends.

I need to find a reception venue in the Lancaster / Preston area. We only want a buffet, it just needs to be large enough to party! and maybe a stage area for our friends bands to play. The film 'Labyrinth' is an all time favourite of mine and my fiance's so as a theme for the after party / reception... have a masquerade ball with mask and all!

As for the wedding colour and theme I'm thinking again the maquerade idea... but a peacock colour theme...

Time to get planning! hehe

Check list:
Engagment Party ?
Wedding Venue Ashton Memorial
Wedding Date ? - 2013?
Colours / Theme Peacock / Maquerade
Dress ?
Braids maids ? Chloe / Rach - maybe teal / royal blue ?
Bridesmaids, groomsmen, ushers ?
Reception ?
Guist List ?
Invites ?
CAKE!! ?
Car ?
Table displays / decor ?
Flowers ?
Photographer ?!?!? (I'd do it if i could ha!)
Honeymoon ?

...what am I missing? >.<

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