Saturday 1 January 2011

new year's resolution & the future.

I've never really made a new years resolution before..

I spend far to much money every month for the sake of it just because I can.. It really burns a hole in my pocket! So, for my new years resolution I'm going to stop the spending and instead put the money into a savings account. If the moneys not in my pocket I'll be less tempted to spend... It will also help me save up for a deposit for a house. I've worked out that with my wages... if I managed to save 15 grand I could get a mortgage for up too £160,000 but I dont need that much! I think £80 - 100,000 is more than enough for a housey for me and my fella, oh and Jacob Thunderchild when we have him ;)

I also need to save up for our wedding. Im thinking 2013, because we like the number '3' and maybe the 30th May as thats the day we first got together in 2007. I still may buy little bits here and there but I really do need to stop the spending...

Yesterday I started having a huge clear out of all the junk I've bought other the years, that I dont use or wear. I'm going to ebay it all and put the money into the savings account as well. I really want us to have a nice life and house. I want to build him a little studio!

I also want to come out of myself more and stop hiding away. I know Im doing it, and it really pisses me off but I just cant seem to snap out of it. I want to see my fellas band, i want to see old friends. I want to open up and just talk... Im so worried about whats happening to my body though. Its always been there, its just gotten worse as times gone on cause more things keep happening to me. I've started findind lumps on my body, like my legs, in my knee, on my neck. But the one that scares me the most is.... I keep thinking the big 'C' word. I want to tell him but I dont want him to worry. He's got enough on his plate right now! Its contantly on my mind. Hopefully they'll be about to find out what it is and help me be me again... and hopefully I wont hear that word. I want to be the bubbley, smiley, fun, flirty girl i was again. I miss her.

...lets see if I can stick to it and snap out of it soon.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Accessories & Bridesmaids

Today I bought these. They look stunning :)

Perfeck for the Peacock theme. I just need a hair peice now...

I have been looking at hair styles and trying to decided if I should go with a vail or not.

Etsy has become a gold mine for all my peacocky needs!

I have started to look at bridesmaid dresses and deciding who I want by my side. I know I want Chloe as a Bridesmaid and I'd like another.. hmm! Anyways, possible dresses... (will add more)



 NEW - PEACOCK PRIDE -  Vintage inspired Bridal Bouquet with SARAH COVENTRY  very rare and hard to find FASHION PETALS design, Vintage Enamel AND Rhinestone Flowers, Feathers and More NEW - PEACOCK PRIDE -  Vintage inspired Bridal Bouquet with SARAH COVENTRY  very rare and hard to find FASHION PETALS design, Vintage Enamel AND Rhinestone Flowers, Feathers and More

Saturday 25 September 2010

I found 'The Dress'!!!

I've found the dress! I really hope my husband too be doesnt find this blog lol but I need somewhere to plot ;) If I find out any of you have given him the URL i'll hunt you down!

In keeping with my labyrinth / peacock theme I've found these... 

Stunning yes? :D They each cost just a little over £100, so if we get it bit by bit each month and keep things cheap like this then we'll be laughing! The dress is just the right shape too to help show off my tattoo. I dont want a vail, Just some Jewels and my hair like Sarahs.


Heres some pictures of the venue we have in mind. 

Aston Memorial is such a beautiful building. Each time we drive to Lancaster we always say its the 'Goblin City'. It's just a purfect location for our wedding and the photographs there will be amazing. I just need to find a photographer that meets my high standards ;) I cant remember if the building has toilets so I'm going to look into it as it would also be a great location for the after party / buffet after the wedding. Would really fit the masquerade ball theme and its just so magical! I know they hold weddings there but Im not sure they would rent the building out that long.. might cost a bit too... Shall have to look into it!

I also had a cool idea... what ever we decided for the party location I will ask the owners to put these on the toilet doors.. I found them on ebay. How cool?! 

Labyrinth movie ball room scene...

More colour themey ideas...



Sunday 19 September 2010


I've been engaged 5 days and I'm already planning! I figured if I get a little something every month up till the big day it wouldnt seem like its costing as much... I want to enjoy being engaged for a while and maybe wait a year till we set a date. I want everything to be right so it wouldn't hurt to start planning now, right? ;)

We already know a venue in mind for the wedding, Ashton Memorial in Lancaster. Its such a beautiful place! I dont think we'll have a big wedding though, just close family and friends.

I need to find a reception venue in the Lancaster / Preston area. We only want a buffet, it just needs to be large enough to party! and maybe a stage area for our friends bands to play. The film 'Labyrinth' is an all time favourite of mine and my fiance's so as a theme for the after party / reception... have a masquerade ball with mask and all!

As for the wedding colour and theme I'm thinking again the maquerade idea... but a peacock colour theme...

Time to get planning! hehe

Check list:
Engagment Party ?
Wedding Venue Ashton Memorial
Wedding Date ? - 2013?
Colours / Theme Peacock / Maquerade
Dress ?
Braids maids ? Chloe / Rach - maybe teal / royal blue ?
Bridesmaids, groomsmen, ushers ?
Reception ?
Guist List ?
Invites ?
CAKE!! ?
Car ?
Table displays / decor ?
Flowers ?
Photographer ?!?!? (I'd do it if i could ha!)
Honeymoon ?

...what am I missing? >.<